Where I write whatever the hell I want.

Today I learned...

This blog may not look like much, but I’ve been having fun playing with it. Mostly what I’m working on is invisible, but makes posting content nearly automatic from my own computer. I just write a text file, and everything is magically transformed into a website with a page structure, consistent layout, navigation, links, etc.

Some things I’ve had to teach myself in the last few days to to achieve that:

  • ruby
  • to make sense of and configure nanoc the way I want.
  • git, so I can keep track of what I’m doing and can go back to any previous version if I don’t like what I did. (This is handy for all kinds of things.)
  • rsync makes copying the entire site from my computer to ‘live’ online a fast, one-step process.
  • Brushed up my javascript
  • so I could understand the facebook open graph API which I’ve played around with a bit to automatically share blog posts on my facebook timeline. That will take some more investigation to make it work right. (So far it works, but I’m not sure anyone can see the shares but me.)
  • The javascript also made dropping in the facebook comments and twitter favorites simple. Though I may switch to Disqus for the comments because it looks nicer.

Yeah, I suppose I could just use blogger, but where’s the fun in that?

Someday I’ll actually get around to making it look nice, but that’s pretty low on the list. :)