Where I write whatever the hell I want.

Moar like facebroke, amirite?

So I don’t do facebook any more. I finally got sick of the arbitrary order in which they show (or don’t show) my friend’s posts. The news of the little “experiment” they did where they messed with that on purpose was so not a surprise that I finally deleted my account.

It’s been over a month now, and I’m not missing it, really. Sometimes I have the urge to post something I stumble across on the web. I get over it. Actually, the obvious answer to that has been there the whole time: just post it here. I’m not sure what took me so long to figure that out, since that was the point of making my own site in the first place. [Forrest Gump voice] I’m not a smart man.

I am still on Twitter (where, apparently having a 4-character username is a status thing. Should have picked something I could sell for money later.)

I’ve also had a Pinboard account for a long time which I’m finding a new appreciation for. Tag searching is really handy.

Anyway, I guess I should get rid of all the facebook cruft on this site. No time at the moment.